I know, I know...
I know i say this all the time, but i will (hopefully) be updating this more often. Here's a quick burst of what's happened since september:
Submitted thesis
Got job at Starbucks
Graduated w/ PhD in Chemical Physics
Immediately became the most educated barista ever
Applied for science/public policy jobs in DC
Time passed in blissful ignorance
Rejected from science/public policy jobs in DC
Immediately started weeks of being emo
Decided to move back to Boston
Applied for a handful of faculty teaching positions--Salem State, Emmanuel, Wheelock
Found out that I am transferring to the Harvard Square Starbucks June 2
Rejected from faculty teaching position at Salem State (as of 3 hours ago)
What will happen in the near future:
Getting rejected from remaining faculty positions
Applying for more teaching positions: Mount Ida, Northeastern, hopefully not high schools
Rent storage unit north of boston
Pack stuff and move it to storage north of boston
Last day at New Haven Starbucks--May 22
Happy Hour/Leaving New Haven Party--May 23
Mom comes--Morning of May 24
Graduation--May 26, Memorial Day
Mom Leaves--Early morning May 27
Pack up remaining stuff and move it to aforementioned storage unit
Start living on danrunt's couch--May 29th at the latest
Drive to VT for Camp TKT orientation--May 30-June 1
Start SBX in HvdSq--June 2
Boys State--June 13-20
Move into own place w/ Kallipher by July 1
As you can clearly see, i have a stressful May on tap to begin with. Scheduling conflicts compounded by my poorly-paying job and the stresses of packing/moving in and of themselves with the added bonus of leaving New Haven and all of my friends in it.
Prepare for emoness in the weeks to come. In the meantime...haz some lolz...

see more crazy cat pics
Currently listening to: Muse "Take a Bow" off of "Black Holes and Revelations